Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Melayu's and Malays

As the title suggest, how would u interpreted the above sentence? Its a long definition if you were to go deep inside these 2 words, Melayu's and Malays.

Before i start to explain what it means to my definition, i would like to clarify that i do NOT mean any harm or disrespect to any people of all races. I do admire people of all races and skin colors regardless of many people might think. I ADMIRE those who actually show their qualities from inside meaning honesty, sincerity, kind-hearted, forgiving and etc.

I judge peoples by their character and attitude. Enough said.

It is up to you to decide whether to take this as a constructive criticism or a negative mindset and start to shout "This guy is f***king racist". I say from my heart and what i feel of. Full stop.

What happen was this, i recalled back 1 year ago whereby i meet my friend, Mr. A, who is a Malay bumiputra in KL, Malaysia. He is those kind of person i would say ambitious, wanted to be successful, hardworking, have believe in a good side of faith and most important of all friendly and honest as well. Well, i got to know him through a friend of mine.

We were talking about various topics of discussion from future outlook, career and business, what is the goal and action plan and stuff. Nice going discussion and talking over a few stick of cigarette.

Then, he mention to me and ask me "Do you know what is the difference of Malays and Melayus?" I was dumbfounded. I say to him "I thought it is the same thing?". Then he continue and explain to me with a sigh!

He explain to me the main core differences between him 'Malays' and other Muslim people 'Melayus' lies in the mindset and thinking.

Further explain, Malays to him is basically fall into a category of group of modern thinking Muslims embracing open mindedness for a better future. These category of people chase after their dreams and make their dreams comes true. They are also positive and willing to learn new skills to help them to achieve their dreams. They have a great attitude, great character, big dreams, friendly and such. They like to mix around with different races to make friends with an INTENTION of knowing more things about other races culture, thinking and etc.

Meanwhile, Melayus in his definition belongs to a group of people who are opposite of the above. They tend to slow back, they have a lousy attitude, the "tidak apa" attitude, they are slow in doing things, the "besok buat la" attitude, they are unproductive, they DON'T want to have a constructive goals, their achievement in life is "i can win you in the Superman Motor racing tomorow in Jln Tunku Abdul Rahman", their goal in life is to make enough $ and spend NOW! Eg. If they have RM2000, why worry about tomorrow? Enjoy 1st la today. Tomorrow ONLY worry! kinda of attitude.

They work as hard as they enjoy as hard. These are their working schedule weekly.

Monday MC "Medical leave".

Tuesday reach office at 9am proceed to breakfast at 10am after they switch on their PC and go to toilet. Back to office at 10.30 and check their e-mail until 12pm, lunch time! Out for lunch or "nasi bungkus" in the office. Start work again at 1pm, browse the internet and do somethings to make himself look busy. 4pm, tea break and back at work at 4.30pm. Clearing table and switch off PC and get ready to go home at 4.45pm. 5pm out of office.

Wednesday refers to Tuesday schedule.

Thursday refers to Tuesday schedule again.

Friday is a little bit different. Reach office at 9am proceed to breakfast at 10am, get ready to go Sembayang Jumaat "Friday prayers" at mosque at 12-1pm after lunch. Back at 2pm, 4pm tea time and 5pm sharp missing from desk heading home or lepak with frens/gf.

Saturday off.

Sunday off.

Their favourite hobbies is walking in shopping malls with gfs/ frens, racing motorcycles at Friday/ Saturday night, hanging out in cybercafes smoking, smoke while squating down at shop corridors for the younger ones.

Many more to write if i wanted to. But i was and i am still pretty devastated, depressed and feeling negative thinking about certain group of Melayus.

I do hope mentalities, attitude and character can be change with this group of people.

Then we shall only see that Malaysia will grow from strength to strength to catch up with our neighbours. As a saying goes "Whats the use of having 1st class infrastructure if the people have a 3rd class mentality"

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