Thursday, June 26, 2008

Cosmopolitan Man

I am a cosmopolitan guy. I believe that the idea of cosmopolitanism works.

Cosmopolitanism is the idea that all of humanity belongs to a single moral community. In short, i believe i am a citizen of the world. There should be no blacks nor whites, there should be no short or tall. Everyone is physically exterior borned equal. I mean, c'mon, the way you are born is not a fault of yours. Some are born gifted, some are born normal, some are born black, some are born in war-torn countries and some are borned less fortunate. Its not their option to choose to be borned that way. You may refered this as bad luck or karma. But i choose to name this as LIFE.

But, what i hate the most, is when politics, religions and beliefs that makes a human suffers. Is there no choice, for these people such as, women in Afghanistan to choose how they should live their life? Is there no choice, that a baby borned in Israel or Palestine, to grow happily as a happy child, safely? Is there no choice, that an average human actually can choose be happy with a life that he wanted? ........

Why must politics, society, religions and countries comes between? It must be someone faults to actually starts this. Ego or control perhaps? American government likes to fight for the freedom of their people and the control of other governments. Their beliefs is different and their beliefs is so limited to within themselves, that they have lost touch and lost the feeling of an average citizens of the world. Ask an average adult in Texas, and i doubt that, he would be able to tell you the differences between a Japanese and a Chinese. Why should he be bothered? Because he is not a cosmopolitan, thats why.

What is the main difference then? Between each unique individual of humans that exists in this world?

I believe the differences lie within themselves. The inner self. The inner core that makes us different. The character of person, the mindset of a person and the attitude of a person. That is the real difference!

Thus, i hate it the most at whiners and complainers. Those who complains of this and that. Just like kid or baby asking for attention and fairness. C'mon. Grow up! Be a MAN. Stop complaining! Instead, ask yourself, what can you do about it? Make something productive. Be proactive. Be positive. It works better that way.

Some examples of the scenario, i noticed. Chinese government ban the supermarkets to give out free plastics bags for shoppers. I did not listen anyone whine here. Simply, one changes. I simply carry plastics bags and shopping bags when i go out to shop, from home, fully prepared. Fair and square. Helps the environment too. Of course, you then have to plan for your shopping time. Be prepared, in short!

Malaysians whine at petrol kiosk not providing credit card services anymore. They whine and complains! C'mon. Just plan ahead la when you want to go to petrol station. Maybe withdraw a little more cash when you go to banks. Be prepared. The number of petrol kiosk in Malaysia is several times more than petrol kiosk in China. In Malaysia, you will see petrol kiosk almost anywhere. The competition is so high. Anywhere you can find petrol. In China, sometimes you have to line up for 30 minutes to pump your car. The reason is there are so limited petrol kiosk in China. Hardly you can see one next to each other in China. Plus, of course, Chinese here pays higher than what we, Malaysian pays on average for a litre of petrol. I never really heard them complaining. Yeah. You can says that Chinese take bicycle more and bus more. Yes, no doubt about it. The government here makes these decisions long time ago. They invests in bus system and transportation routes and systems. Everyone takes bus here. There are so much cab here and its so convenient. In short, change yourself. Don't be a rusty piece of iron. Change!

I believe, its just that, we, Malaysians are too used to be pampered and used to an easy lifestyle. Hence, it is difficult to change. Especially those older ones. Somehow rusty. Good for me. Plentiful of opportunity with less competitions, as i am a risk taker that like changes. Awesome!

Haih! The more i grow older, the more i felt sympathetic for an average world citizens. Blinded by their own beliefs, external pursuations (brain washing) and simply ignorant. That is what this world is all about now, in macro view, generally. How that i could wish and shake someones head, making him wakes up, realising that we are a citizens of the world, that we are a part of the world itself. That it makes more sense to work together and lower the ego within themselves for a better future for the children generations.

I am a cosmopolitan man, and i end this with a saying, " We are a citizen of the world!"

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