Friday, June 6, 2008

Big Picture in Me

I know i am not a economists nor i have a wide 30 years of experience in this area. I am just a simple person who observe, read and think about situations. I try to understand the thing we call as "life".

Some of us are blessed with a more instinctive and more intuitive sense than others, especially ladies. Some use it to better and bigger benefits, such as understand how a bigger picture is formed in this freaking world of capitalism. Some use it for their own gain, own pleasure and some even use it on their partners, being able to sense their feeling and thinking. :)

Using this sense properly and effectively will greatly assist you in your life. Trust me! It does. You will be able to perceive situation faster and more accurately compare to a logical and judgemental person. What we need is more facts and informations to conform with our instincts and intuition to prove that we are absolutely right. From there, we shall have more confidence and our confidence will grow along the way.

I am using this sense more confidently now in my life. But i look and feel the bigger picture of the freaking world. Of course, some might judge me as idealists, but hey, we need idealists in this world. If not, how does that iPhone landed at your hand? Why indeed do you want to upgrade your car to that newer version that looks better? Just use a old FORD pickup la. >_<

I am beginning to believe greatly in my senses and i know i am correct.

I believe this world is divided into different classes categories of population. Some are born poor, some are born average and some are borned into the world of wealth and abundance.

I refer back at the current scenario of the aftermath of the petrol hike back in Malaysia. Our government decided to increase 40% in the fuel hikes. I think millions of people protested, complains, whines and screams out to voice their anger and displeasure. These are the general populations of poor and average citizens. They are anywhere in the world. I know i am in that category currently.

They live in a mediocre lifestyle. They pinch their pennies and count their monthly wages with a sigh ," Why so little one? Not enough la!" They are average and generally categorise in the 80% of the population. They exists everywhere and any part of the world. They exists in America, they exists in Japan, they exists in Africa and every each part of the world will exists this category of class of people.

For example, are there no poor people in America? Are there no poor people in Russia and China? Plentiful i mind you. Aren't they have the same problem as us, oil hikes? Do they have no problem of retirement as well? You really think that their government have that much of reserves to take care of everyone especially since the medical costs are going to the sky?

Of course, yeah, i agree that conditions are different. Their income and tax structure are different. Their benefits as citizens are different as well. Well, i agree. Americans and Aussies have a greater benefits than the rest of us. Yeah.

The key question is, what can you do about it? Losers will whine and do nothing, while winners will think and give themselves reasons to move. Thats the key!

Now, back to the story. What about the 20% of the population of rich and wealthy? Do they have so much of livelihood problem? Yes and no. Yes, because they have to pay more for their maid now and no, their Mercedes is still park outside at the compound.

Hah! They are of course the rich ones, comprising of those millionaires and billionaires tycoons, those well-off datuks, those business leaders, those CEOs and COOs, those family from a rich background and etc etc etc. They are not really affected by these small little issues of petrol price increase, but instead their problem is much more bigger. The changes in legislation, law and regulations of the government will affect them the mosts.

Lets make a simple ABC scenario to feel and think about it.

Scenario 1: Oil hikes 40% to RM2.70/litre. Those 80% of population will be affected the most as per capita income for average Malaysians is low and one thirth of average Brits and Americans. An average Malaysians spends almost 25% to 40% of their monthly incomes on transportations; ie their car mortgage, their fuel, their tolls and etc etc ect.

Meanwhile, those 20% of the population, will not be affected much.

WHY? If you were to ask me? Do they still drive their S-class with their driver? Do they still take helicopter to work? Do they still take their Porsche Cayenne 4 wheel drive Turbo to go to work everyday? Do they still switch on 5 air-cons at night for comfort? Do they still shop at Cold Storage instead of the wet market? Do they still eat Japanese food that cost RM100/person for a meal (please read here)?

Look bigger still. Look globally. Do you think those hedge fund traders and futures traders at Wall Street care about your well being in Malaysia? Do you think that they really cares? Do you think that Cristiano Ronaldo will donate 10% of his weekly salary to support your complaint? (Which, by the way, he makes more than 100,000 pound sterling/week in UK, i think)

Yeah maybe. Minimal chances, i believe. Do you seriously think that Obama and Clinton in America really have the ability to reduce the oil prices back to the old days of USD30/barrel, or that they also can influence their own American defense and military equipment company to stop producing weapons and ammo for their soldiers in Iraq? Chances are the senators in America will continue to vote for the weapons manufacturer in States to continue making ammos and upgraded new weapons.

Maybe the new world order is coming. But chances are slim, i can tell ya. You can carry on hoping. Same as hoping that the government will demolish the rights of malay in Malaysia. Hope la!

Instead of blaming the government and the whole wide world for the increase of oil prices and the inflation that goes to the sky, why not look in the mirror? Which, by the way, inflation are real and you can't buy a chicken rice for RM3 bucks anymore. K.

Look into the mirror and ask yourself. Stop blaming those bigger force out there that you have no control of . Change yourself would be a better shot. I think you have a better chance that way. Chances are that you can be better and richer by changing your mindset. And then of course, sacrifice your daily habits and routines to be better and richer.

Change and grab that fucking opportunity that comes along. I've seen countless Malaysians that have succeeded from poverty. They are rich now and are not too concern about the petrol hikes. For them, regardless for any increase of price, those who suffers are not them, but consumers. Those rich individuals still dine at French restaurants and eat at Overseas restaurant. You really think they can sit at the mamak stall and eat Nasi Lemak Ayam Merah everyday? -_-

I mean, let i reinstated again, i am not an economists nor i have a masters in economics. But, i have a keen observation mindset and attitude. I might be wrong. You'll be the judge. Time will tell.

P.S: I am still going to have my Japanese buffet and i am still going to have my Thai food this weekend. What recession?


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