Friday, May 30, 2008

Typical Day in Office!

Here i am reporting our daily office routine life, and its more than routine to be exact. Its called freaking shitty boring bored routine everyday. We reached office at 8am sharp through our dear little smelly company bus, practically dragging everyone's ass, including mine, to wake up, at that particularly ungodly hour in the morning. Sun's shining up the arse and you wish that you could just rollover the blanket and hide under the comfort of the bed! Such a nice comfy feeling!

Of course, we start the day right by working hard! Hahahaha and bla bla bla. Reach 11 am, and its lunch time! Woooooohoooooo.... .... .... .... My Ass!

Welcome to the nightmare of our daily life! The nightmare at lunch during weekdays and it happens during the afternoon. -_- Just imagine the food that is too salty, too oily, too plain, tasteless, cold served with white rice that you need chilli accompanied in each scoop swallowing, opps, shovelling it down the throat. Get what i mean? No you don't! You are enjoying those good little food everyday at lunch!

*Hence the need for us to enjoy McDonald sometimes at lunch and weekend food fiesta at Shanghai and other places*

See his face to understand the whole freaaaaaaaaaaaaking sad feeling we have at canteen daily. Extra information for your understanding. The freaking contract for the lunch *awful* vendor is not that particularly cheap. It cost RMB7.50 for each person. Its like RM3.50 per person which you can have a decent mix economy rice at KL. Better at Setapak, IMHO. Of course, with all the increase in price for raw food and inflation that goes up to the heaven. What do we expect? >_<

Plus, of course, our daily routine smoking session at guard house that is within walking distance of 5 minutes from office. Here is our small little gathering and meetings + gossiping that happens daily at lunch time. Cool huh! Hahahaha.

Maybe you can share your lunch today then?

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Clubbers Bible!

I have a new bible of mine. Hahahaha. Check it out at, and with this, i will mark my place of these clubs at destinations worldwide :) Fantastically Fabulous!

I am going to read more now! Hahahaha!

Monday, May 26, 2008

My Luck My Moment!


Thats the face reaction i am gonna show today. What the hell?!?!? Is the freaking god of luck trying to test my luck or test my higher will in patience?!?!? KNNCCBSHLCHML!1!1!1! *grrrrrrrrrrr........!!!!!!*

You see, i thought i saw one special number last friday. Suddenly i draws to me that this number has some special meaning or special feelings to it. You know la. Those time that you feel like the number is a little special than normal and you feel like going to buy a lottery with it.

Well, i saw mine. The number is 7278. You know what happen?


Friday, May 23, 2008

My Motivation!

Thanks to internet, now, at least we can communicate within our family via our individual blog :) Sounds a little over the pathetic line but i think its better this way. Its like a open diary update on the small little tiny weeny things that you would want to voice, especially from your own little heart but don't have the pleasure of time to do so.

Its typical human behaviour thingy, i guess. Nowadays, our lifestyle is so damn busy and even though if we are not, we pretend to be busy or simply find something to do. We simply do not have the leisure time of sitting down and just listen to the other party, the other individual, regardless of family or close one, blabbering and talking their hearts out. Its like whenever you wish to say something, the other person will kinda respond to a statement even though what we wanted at the end is just a person to listen to whatever our hearts feels like letting go. Hence, i believe strongly that blogging can actually helps us!

Back to one of the thought i wanna voice out tonight in regards to my sister, "the only Ms.Lee in Malaysia". After listening to her funny story about the incident that happen, only one word to describe it, downright funny and i can imagine her "pureness and innocent kinda soul!" So cute... ... ...

I believe anyone person deserves to make mistakes and SHOULD make mistakes. Thats how we learn anyway. We should always strive for the best while keep all the mistakes small. Thats how the ball should be balanced. I think the key word to one person's growth during the early years is SMART. Being SMART ass is vital and its critically important.

I believe smartness comes from genes, accumulated from the years of experience, mistakes made, composure after seeing more things in life, wisdoms accumulated and the real eyes in the mind opened up. I've been an asshole myself. I've been a stupid ass before. But it makes me stronger and strive even harder today to achieve my goals and my dreams in life. Of course, not all people are equal, IMHO. Its a balance, a delicate balance in this world that some of us are born smarter and brighter than someone else. Its just life. *zip* Enough said.

If not, how to have maid to work for you? How to have paddy farmer then if all are Harvard MBA graduate?

The real question is, are you a dumb or are you smart? I let you decide on that question. Answer that yourself. Only you knows. Of course, being dumb doesn't mean you cannot be rich or being smart does not gives you the privilege to skip jail sentence when you kills. Its just a simple pure statement to make you realise the truth of all truth. The freaking world is not fair... ... ...

You have to realise this, everything in life is not equal. Its not fair. I have no rights over this. Its nature. Try asking yourself this, "Do Ahmad, an Israeli, really wanted to be born in Israel?" Do you think he have a choice? I doubt it. I've reached a stage of realisation in my life.

I've realised that i am born lucky and i am going to use this luck of mine to make my dreams come true. Who else is going to stop me? I think my worst and greatest enemy is in me. Thats all.

All my dreams is totally possible and is there for me to grab. Its in front of me. All of these happen due to my own, my mindset and my ever young rejuvanating spirit that never dies. It flames brighter and it becomes clearer. I've just realised my reality. It has become more clearer than ever that i know something good is going to happen in my life!

After what i've gone through, i do not have one word nor a sentence to describe what i've gone through. All that i can advise are to keep holding on to your dreams and keep trying. Keep on the spirit burning while falling down from learning. Thats how we learn and thats how we keep pushing ourself to the higher limit. Theres nothing wrong and there should be no shame to admit its ours. Someone once said, "Aim high and reach for the stars, only after, you have fall flat onto your face!" :)

Find the path of yours. Do things that recharge your energy DAILY! Let go your inner self. Be who you are meant to be. These are some of the quotes that makes me recharge my everyday life. I hope they do for you too :)

1. There are no shortcuts to any place worth going - Beverly Sills

2. The word impossible is not in my dictionary - Napoleon Bonaparte

3. Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall - Confucious

4. Follow your heart and enjoy living your life. Afterall, you only live once - Victor Lee



I am very into business, financial and economic news and ideas recently. I read a lot. Especially on those news and stories about individuals, companies and other things from Fortune, Forbes, books, magazines and even wikipedia!

Frankly, i have a super huge dream. I would call it an ambition. Something that i am inspired to be. My inner desire and my burning candle lighting it all the way. Of course, things might turn out not to be exact 20 years down the road but hey! i am still inches away from what i am destine to be. I am who i am!

I read all these news and stories about John D Rockefeller and his business empire in petroleum industry. The size and magnitude of his wealth and his icon long after he is gone. Just imagine this person use all the tricks imaginable in the book, squeezing his competitor and cutting out the competition to his advantage in order to become the biggest. Sorta of the big bang theory, that you need to have that mass size in order to compete efficiently and effectively. His business sense and his business acumen, that has served him well, over his lifetime to get to where he was today, iconic. I like his ambition, of course it was during back then, 18xx ++, and it sounds like this:

"As a youth, Rockefeller allegedly said that his two great ambitions were to make $100,000 and to live 100 years."


I would like to quote this, "As a youth, Victor allegedly said that his two great ambitions were to make $100 million in his lifetime and live his life to the fullest enjoying every day of his life!"


Another guy to ponder on. This is not much of legacy but his bold ambition and his desire to be different. His name is Brad Duke, a manager working in States who hit a mother of all jackpot. A whopping prize of USD$ 85 million after tax. Whao! You might say that. Read on in his interview to see the difference in the mindset of individuals, even a lottery winner.

Quote from, when ask what did he did with his money?

His reply was "I wanted to make the most of the opportunity that was given to me, so I put together a team with the intent to reach and maintain a $1 billion status over a particular period of time. I wanted to do it in 10 years, which I knew was aggressive. My team talked me into looking at 15 years. But it looks like we're on track for 12 years. When you do something like that, the more you become worth, the quicker your growth curve is. My total net worth right now is at an unofficial value of $128 to $130 million. We've done very well for the first year and a half."

Can you imagine what goes in his mind? Coolest smartest reply ever.

Meanwhile, imagine this.

Would you like one? :)

Thursday, May 22, 2008

USD$135 per Barrel of OIL?

Updated: Oil prices going to hit USD 262/barrel according to George Soros? Go read here. Where is the sense of balance and sense of justice? Major oil barons makes billions while some of us scratching day and night hoping to save that 2 cents and that glass of Starbucks daily!

And the corrected figures and updates about Exxonmobil. They make USD40billion last year! FREAKING 40 billion US dollar! Top 5 in Fortune 500 consists of 3 oil company and WalMart and General Motors. The 3 oil company, Exxon Mobil, Chevron and Conoco Phillips, are actually results of split up of Standard Oil, a millennium ago owned by this legend, John D Rockefeller. Superclass!

Oh My God! The gasoline price has just shoot through the sky! USD 135 per barrel. Whao! Thats the word i will use to describe the situation. Indonesia has just announced that there will be an increase in gas prices of 28.7%. Indonesians will scream and riot again? Most probably they will make street protests and demonstration. Our dearest Malaysians of course will not feel much of the effect yet due to our fuel prices are still controlled by our own government. Happy leh?

I think what general Malaysian will complain are not the increase of petrol prices, but more of what a general employee would do all over the world. Normally, their dissatisfactions are bound to salary increment or monthly wages are not comparable against the rise of inflation and increase in living costs. What to do? We, Asians, are in the grasp of the hands of those elites from Americas and Europes. You think they care about us in Asia? Hardly.

What are we, Asians, famous for in the world? Tell me....... Make a guess. Make a WILD guess.


CHEAP LABOUR, EFFICIENT AND WORK LIKE A HORSE LA! What else? This is the only advantage we have against these normal Americans and Europeans. Cheap wages, willing to harder and longer hours. Thats why typical Aussies hates us so much, coz we take away their jobs. Now, please don't complain if we are to work harder than other people. That is what we are famous for anyway. Or perhaps, thats what gweilo think of us anyway, on the surface, of course. :)

Now, back to the story of the oil news. USD 135/barrel! I think this happen due to USD is losing its value as well and of course, other factors as mention in those reports. Read here for more. The best statement i like from that news is this:

"Oil has performed better than equities and bonds. There is money looking for better returns and oil has offered better returns and continues to offer better returns."

I guess those oil barons, oil companies and oligarch from Russia must be smiling like a fat cat. Supply is limited but the demand is constantly getting higher. I believe this is a chain reaction of the world economic outlook. The weakening of US dollar, the grow of India and China, the ever-rising demand of better lifestyle of billions of people, the inflation rate of these countries, the appreciation of living costs and bla bla bla.

I think the net profit of the top 5 Fortune company this year will grow over the roof, since 3 of them are oil company for the exception of WalMart and General Motors? Last year, if not mistaken, ExxonMobil makes 40billion USD of profit. Thats USD40,000,000,000. I almost miscalculate the total of zeros when i type that number out.

On the other hand, i am thinking about our own Petronas back home. Fat cat? Dunno la. Hopefully the profit will be put to good use. Just think or hope....... or pray! Hahahaha!

Meanwhile, i read this news about Vietnam and a new casino open near Ho Chi Minh City. Read here for more. Investors invests USD 4.2billion into this casino in Vietnam. OMG! USD 4.2billion of capital inflow into Vietnam. Can you breakdown of what will happen in there with this amount of $$$$$? .................

Singapore is building 2 of these casino back at Marina and Sentosa. Macau has several and Vietnam is building 1. Of course, Malaysia has 1. But with all these casinos is building up around our region, no wonder Genting have to expand their operations overseas to secure themselves. All these big players with billions of cash and pots of gold coming to attack our regional shores, be on your tip-toe boys! Something interesting is going to happen.

I believe at the end, with these competitions, consumer will gain at the end. Better service, better products, better innovations and better everything will happen. I just hope that perhaps our government will be more innovative and attracts these foreign investors into our country. Simple maths.

Capital Inflow, $$$$$ going into country > Money outflow $$$$$$ = :)

What do you think?

Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My Trip to Singapore on May 2008!

I went Singapore for official working trip in the beginning of May 2008. It was nice, it was tremendous, it was exhilarating! I was feeling superb. I was feeling fantastic! Although it was tiring due to the traveling time and those hours i spend in the air, checking in and waiting at the airport. But i like it. I love it to the bits! Its just that with the notebook, my music player hooked onto my ears and with my cool sunglasses and with the smokes and puffs with me, i felt cool and i felt great! Awesome!

The trip itself is on Saturday morning at 10am flight in Pudong, Shanghai. I took the Maglev train from Longyang Station at RMB50. Damn cheap and damn fast! I departed from PVG with no delay in Airbus with an average of 50% of passengers. Plentiful of spaces and i slept till i reach our beloved KLIA. I was then transitted and move to LCCT to wait for my next flight with Airasia at 8pm to Changi in Singapore. Tiring but nice! I remember that i went for my 1st roti canai and capati in the foodcourt level 2 KLIA! Hahaha! I was not hungry but i am tempted to taste the authentic taste of indian curry and indian food.

I reach Changi at 10pm before proceeding in MRT to City Hall taking cab to my hotel name, Robertson Quay in Jalan Merbau, Boat Quay. The hotel itself, is ........ OMG! i am truly disappointed at the quality of the hotel. When i was making the online booking few weeks back, the quality is totally different from what i am getting! OMG! But then, i realised, with the prices i am paying for the hotel, i have nothing much to complain though. The location of the hotel is at 5 star. Excellent location located next to Clarke Quay, with only 5 minutes to reach Attica and MOS in Boat Quay! Can you imagine? :)

I went to find my friends in Bugis straight on Saturday night for some nice Singapore air. Although, i hate to admit it, it was damn freaking hot and humid there. Everyone just wear shorts and flip-flops to go out! I was sweating as i ate and smoke by the aircon! I ate my 1st nasi kandar with ayam masak merah with plentiful of curry poured over the white rice! Whao! Hahahaha!

Then of course later, i pushed my friends to go to club, as i insisted to them saying i wanna break my record! What kinda record?

I clubbed 3 nights in a row in 2 different countries hopping a total of 7 clubs in 3 nights!

Wahahahahaha! Delightful....! I remembered that i was clubbing last night in Shanghai and here i was, clubbing in Singapore tonight! Fantastic feeling! :) We went to St.James down south by cab and we went to this famous club name Dragonfly, situated just next to Power House, a Hip Hop club!

Work was work. I work my ass off during the weekdays during at work to complete the big issues and sort out all the points and implementation processes during that week. I believe that we achieve it! Totally confident and felt totally great! The critical areas of a successful person in me! :)

I stayed in Singapore for a week. I managed to eat and try a lot of food. Korean food, indian food, chinese cuisine, american food and local delicacies as well! I did also went to Marina Raffles at the tip North West of Singapore for lunch during 1 of the weekdays with my fellow colleagues. Nice place with plentiful of boats across the straits of Johor.

I bought some cheap, bargain and on sales item as well. Singapore is a shopping heaven la! Hahahaha! I got myself a G2000 blazer, a G2000 brown button down shirt, a pair of black leather shoes, got myself a memory card for my viewty with a leather pouch that looks awesome!, a Converse black sling bag, a book and some magazines and a nice Giordano Black T-Shirt! Damn nice! Hahaha! What didn't i get was a hawaiinas flip flop and a piar of nice summer sneakers! Maybe next time. :) I managed to catch Ironman as well! Weeeeeeeeee...........! Damn nice!

I really enjoy going back there. Perhaps i should make it more often? ;P

P.S: Perhaps i should visit down under the next trip or maybe to Korea or Japan? ;P

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Day in SH Night in SH!

It was a random weekend in Shanghai for me. As usual la, my friend refer Shanghai as my home, coz due to the reason i go to Shanghai almost every weekendly :) I was a fun and action packed weekend on that day.

I actually hop to few clubs in 1 night. I believe the maximum number of club i went in a single night as actually unbelievable. No idea why i did that but its just nice. I went to 5 clubs in a night and have breakfast in the wee hours in the morning in Bee Feng Tang Restaurant, a HK restaurant, where i can enjoy my cuppa of ice tea or simply known as Nai Cha Ping!

Of course, some of the collection of the pictures i took in Shanghai clubs and partees. I went to Shelter to 1 of their events that night, Doll House, all female DJ lineups. It was awesome! The music is good, the drinks are cheap, it was nice and the crowd is simply out of the world!

And from there i went to MAO nearby and have a drink in there as they have an event as well. Forgotten the name though of the event but MAO is a club that is filled with italians and french rather than chinese. You can find more "lao wai" in there rather than a chinese. A nice superb techno club!

There after, i hop to Bling for some Hip Hop for a while and walk to BBF after. The night was tiring, the night was young and i was energetic. I was feeling ecstatic! I was hyper active and i felt even more energetic when i left. Hahahaha!

Some of the pictures that i snap with my Viewty!

I love some of the design they did with the club. Damn nice! I think people itself are very creative and intuitive if they just let go of exterior and logical thinking. Try it yourself!

Of course, the trip to Shanghai will not be complete without some windows shopping and dining right? I went to some backlanes around Shanghai area nearby to Xujiahui Lu and to my shock, its like Shanghai Tang, with plenty of bars, cafes and al fresco dining. Snap snap some pictures as well.. .. ..

Went to one Malaysian food restaurant as i was drooling for some spice food, sort of hot and spicy with a hint of sour taste accompanied with a glass of teh tarik ice! Yummy yummy! I order a Tom Yam Chicken with a white rice and a teh tarik ping and it cost me a bloody bomb.

Tom Yam Chicken = RMB 30
White Rice = RMB 5
Teh Tarik Ice = RMB 15
Taste = So-so
Feeling = Priceless!

For everything else, theres Mastercard! :)

Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sister Sista

Seeing my sister, both of them, makes me laugh. One is superbly terribly dumb and another is superbly enjoying herself down under with her boyfriend. Hahaha! Miss them though. Maybe i should make a trip down to down under since it is getting HOT up here! Hahaha!

One sister is so blur, so semakin blur, as of sotong kinda blur, dunno how to go back from KLIA kinda blur, even though been to KLIA for a zillion times? Plus her stupidity antics and erratic behaviour. Funny! Plus reading her blog makes me felt cheerful too. So stupid. "i faster faster....", and so typical chinese ah lian language. Dunno what she study in Melbourne. So damn "lan" her language! Hahahahaha!

Another sister is enjoying herself too damn much down under and reading her blog makes me laughing too. "I don't feel like leaving Melbourne" makes my day, as of remembering those days in KLIA, when she cry implying she is reluctant to leave KL and miss her friends back in KL wor. I told her up front, this mushy mushy feeling will only last her 1 day. She is alright within an hour up the plane. Hahahaha! Miss my ass! Plus, of course, her new makeup that covers her face like powder on a baby ass. To protect the buttock from rashes. Exactly what she did to her face.

Maybe i ought to blog about them more often. To let all the world knows about their funniness and their stupidity! Hahahahaha!


Friday, May 16, 2008

Ceteris Non Paribus

I believe that this world is unique. It is simply non equal and it is not fair. Each individual, whether a person, a group, a country, an organization and everything else is unique. Each one of these is like a micro-organism. Growing at its own unique profile, at its own rate, at its own pace and will grow into something different. Call it a profile or call it an external influence. It is just there and it unique.

I was reading this book and it further makes me acknowledge the truth of all the mother truth, that the world is ceteris non paribus. I can feel it and i know it. Its just that we have to use our senses to know it. Stories and truths out there. Yes! You have heard it before and you will continue to hear it for times to come. Read my previous post on the
once upon a time.

You put 2 exact young graduate from Harvard equipped with MBA, both with the same results and same skills, into the market and the world of the hard knocks. 10 years down the road, 1 might end up to be a billionaire while another 1 might be a struggling to make a good living as a manager in a company. How is this possible?

Of course, if we are to put this 2 individuals together "in the same playing field" on the common sense, they will end up the same. But, as i mention, the world is not equal, ceteris non paribus. One might have some outside influence to assist in his life, might it be a friend or other connections to might help to propel him to great heights.

But i do believe in this, the difference in one's mindset, action and attitude will make a difference in the results. If a person mindset is geared, tailored and programmed to be rich, he will ultimately think like a rich, resulting in optimism and constructive thinking. His thinking are programmed to be rich and successful. It might be the mental image of his positive successful self as a rich person or it might be just customary to him to think "he is rich" due to his background.

This set of thinking will of course, affected his attitude in his life. He is a habitual achiever, a standout, a leader and everything else that is going to make him to be successful. His attitude makes him to take action in his everyday life that are different from everyone else. Given this, 10 years in the future, the probability of him being successful and rich is going to be higher than everyone else.

But how come some of us are still struggling? I believe this lies in the head.

Some acknowledge it and some deny it. Maybe its the mindset. The desire to stay the same and the fear of change. The fear of change to the mentality, fear of changes to the environment and the thought of changing itself cripples the best of individuals. It is the Horatio Alger-ism mindset that have programmed us into accepting ideas that a person from poor ended up to be financially secured. Some rag to riches stories. I admit, it gives us hope. Something for us to cling for.

Or it might be the media that is playing with our head. Input all these sorts of fantasy into our sub-conscious mind. Something like those stories of cinderella they input into the mind of young girls. Happy forever after all. Hahahaha.

Majority of us that are living in this world today are programmed to accept the ideas that are passed on from the previous generations or the media today. The notion of security, the thought of meritocracy and the work-hard-and-you-will-be-rewarded mindset. Not that i totally disagree but its just that the truth are not that simple anymore.

On our generation right now, at this age, can we still afford to teach our kids and tell ourselves that success ONLY comes from hard work. Something more has to be done, ain' it? Things like working smart, thinking like an enterpreneur and rich individual, plan the priorities right and understand the facts of life should be educated to ourselves and people around us.

Unless we change our basics of the basics, which is our head, things will not change. How do we expect a change in a result when our thinking and our action says otherwise. Use the simple theory of nature, you sow what you plant. Please do not expect to have watermelons when you plant peanuts in the soil. It does not work that way.

For people who believe this notion, ceteris non paribus, i know you will make something out of it. If you are a do-er and have a constructive mindset, i know that you will make a difference in your life. Maybe after all, ceteris non paribus might be good thing afterall.


Thursday, May 15, 2008

Disasters and Heroes

I am going to dedicate this post to those victims and survivors of the recent events. The aftermath of the mother nature. There results from the fury of her. I think and i believe humanity suffers from it and the goodness of humanity still exists afterall.

The 7.8 Richter scale of the earthquake that shakes the earth in Sichuan province, China and the lord of the storm, Cyclone Nargis, that sweeps in Myanmar. Devastating effect and a sad event. Thousands of lives are lost, scores of properties destroyed and all other effects comes soon after.

I shall mourn and be sad to what that has happen. I can put myself into the shoes of these people and imagine what that has happen and how did it happen, but i can never imagine and feel the sadness of the families of the people who suffers from it. It is unbearable and it is pain.

I shall continue not further discussion and imagining the pains of these, but rather look and admire the heroes of these events. The firefighters working their life off to helps those in need, the doctors working non-stop to saves those that can be save, the humanitarian who helps and assists the victims with compassion without any rewards and all other efforts by everyone to make something happen.

This i believe is the truly borderless globalization unity of all mankind. These shows that people, indeed afterall still cares and have a heart. I am moved by their action. I believe that these acts from these selfless person deserves a recognition and acknowledgement. Its no politics. Its just pure simple act of kindness from the heart.

I shall honour a minute of silence to those life that perished, for them that they have went to a better place after life. To the lord father for whatever their religion is.

May them be rest in peace.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

China Weird Moments!

I tell you. Don't "pray pray". Its dumbfounded and its freaking hilarious thinking about the Chinese weird stuff. Damn weird and damn funny. Imagine i laugh non-stop and giggle whenever i need some extra humour. Go on, enjoy the pictures!

P.S: Keep your laughter down and giggle by yourself!


OMG! Why the hell do they posed that way? *Cute butt pose!* Hahaha!

Of course, there are other weirder invention that are available in China. So weird that i think there are no other people around the world who would wanted these.

Or simply the extraordinary chinese fashion. Unbelievable! They can walk anywhere simply wearing a set of pyjamas in the street or wear a transparent skirt.

Or simply those English words that are translated exactly from Chinese characters. Word for word. OMG! Their vocab is simply stunning! Hahaha.

Or why is it people in Shanghai is so sleepy all the time?

No idea la! Its just China! :)