Do you know that in China, proper English is such a rare commodity? Don't believe me? Read on......
"The lilac fingerling fucks" and "the ginger spring onion explodes the frog" really makes my day. "The seafood fries the black winter" makes me having stomach ache before i have my food. *laughing my ass off rolling on the floor!*
My GOD! Could it be anymore worst?
Friday, January 18, 2008
China Restaurant Menu
Labels: random
Thursday, January 17, 2008
Victor's Blabbering
This post is perhaps a reminder / update of myself, and all the other craps and bullshit that i wish to write down. It maybe pointless but hey! It my blog and i reserve my right to write anything that i came across, ain't it.
I have been practically dragging myself out of the bed recently; dunno why. Maybe due to the lack of sleep and lack of rest. I have been practically clubbing and hanging out in Shanghai for the past 1 month and Suzhou before that. The weekend is the only weekend that i AM definitely staying back at this small lil town here. Ain't much to do.... But with my lil pocket screaming for reinforcement before the payday, i might wanna slow down....
I learned that blogging did infact improves one's knowledge and one's perspective. It broadens one's mind and it increases the knowledge and understanding exponentially. I learn new words everyday. I counter-check it in to get the exact meaning to the words. Words such as ambivalent, albatross, cliche, altruism have been added into my vocabs.
I believe in order to improve thyself, i need to blog and read more, not necessary of fiction or novel books, but more of anything that comes across. Blogs is a place where you can peep into one's mind; not 100% truth but no matter what, it is a nice place for reading either for pleasure or for passing ones time.
I was learning dancing in a studio yesterday. I learn some new moves but its just for fun and pleasure, of course, as i am not taking part in any of the dancing in our annual dinner organized by our company here. But, hey, its fun and its cool. I learn some basic shuffling as well. Yeah! ~~Too late~~ i am! But nobody is too old to do anything and learn anything, right?
Quote: "When one stop learning, he stop living"
Cool huh!
I gotta get myself ~in the near future~ an APPLE IPHONE !!! Its so freaking nice. Its HIP and its COOL! *just pondering* and giving myself a DREAM! Maybe Maybe. Just 1 day.......
Labels: random
Tuesday, January 15, 2008
15th Jan in ZJG
It has been a while since i post anything. Plenty of reasons and lack of time perhaps. I have been busy for the last couple of weeks. My VP is around and start to give me a lot of responsibilities to follow up certain areas that have yet to be carried out or simply NOT in-forced yet.
With his reasoning, manpower is supposed to be sufficient enough to start this new year with a bang, i am the man responsible. Hence, lack of time to blog. I have to get the work back inline and make myself busy. A man gotta do what a man gotta do. I am the man!
With all the stress and workload until 8pm almost a nightly affair, i am busy. I spare about 30 minutes this morning to scribble something out into my blog. I took some pictures of this morning.
HooRahhh !!!
Hoorah! Finally after 28 years of my little life, i am seeing REAL SNOW! Apart from the MINES WONDERLAND and of course in the freezer in my home. Wakakakaka!
Labels: China
Monday, January 7, 2008
I am lost for words right now. I felt fucked up.
What a nice day! ~~~Fucked Up~~~
What BANGING START to my new year in 2008.
My boss screwed me up. "You are NOT DOING YOUR JOB CORRECTLY, ain't ya?"
My personal life is at a peak. *Fucked Up*
Someone once quoted to me before, "A MAN GOTTA PUT HIS FAMILY IN FRONT 1ST BEFORE HIMSELF"
~~~~ I am pretty fucked up for the rest of the week ~~~~
P.S. I am really screwed up emotionally and mentally right now. HarHarHar......
Labels: Pissed Off
Friday, January 4, 2008
New Year Countdown Trip - Part II
Continued from the previous post. I wake up feeling drowsy. I nearly wanted to puke, but alas, the Chivas was good and i manage to walk to the washroom for some work inside. I was walking zig zag but the end, it was good.
Actually i felt pretty bad. I was in bad shape the night before. I was totally drunk by 2am standing up sleeping at the bar. I was like ~~~OMG~~~ How can i end up like that? So totally drunk. Just not like me. Not being able to enjoy the music and the good tunes in the electro techno room. *i rather forget about it*
Managed to get myself up straight before 12pm with bath and cleaning up. Check out before going to a cuppa hot latte downstairs at the hotel. We then proceed to lunch at Gateway in a Taiwanese restaurant and meet up with a friend. Hang out there for some lunch before proceeding to Huai Hai Zhong Lu for some jaywalking and window shopping. We was planning to go to H & M and Zara to have a look.
I managed to get myself a cap, for RMB69. Its nice considering that i can get myself a decent suitable hat for myself. *my head shape is funny* ~~~~~ DO NOT ASK WHY! ~~~~~ My friend, got himself a shirt and some stuff.
We then proceed at evening, which is 4pm to go to XinTianDi for a cuppa of Guinness Draught on the tap. Which i might add, excellent! * i am not a fan of Guinness btw* But, having a smooth Guinness on the tap really change my perception on this small little drink. Soooooo smooooooth!
We have this Guinness at this little nice comfy jazz bar name CJY, Cigar Jazz Wine in Xintiandi. It is definitely a vote of YES for those who wanted to have a quiet enjoyable time here. They even have live singer session of Jazz. Pretty cool, huh......
We finish our New Year Day, 1st January 2008 at around 6.30pm before going back to ZJG for work tomorrow........ *grinsssss*
There and Back again
Hasta La Maniana!
Labels: Trip
Thursday, January 3, 2008
New Year Countdown Trip - Part 1
Okok. I was at Shanghai again on Monday evening for the day off on 1st January 2008. We finish off our work from office at 12pm on Monday preparing and planning to go to Shanghai for a countdown party and food galore in Shanghai.
View my previous post @ Food Food Food on the picture and the galores of the food for your sin and ultimate pleasure... :)
We were then walking around the whole area again to shop, not for me though, but my friends who wish to window shop and just buy if the item suits their taste. One bought a wallet which i think is ok and so-so and another bought an Esprit long sleeve shirt. They almost bought some other limited material as well such as limited Porshe edition Adidas sneakers and FCUK pair of boots. ~~~~OMG!~~~~ Hahahaha.......
We then have a drink at SegaFredo before we head back to out hotel. We ordered some drinks, alcoholic drinks to be exact to bring up the mood for the night. They order half bottle of Cabernet Chardonnay, i ordered a shot of Baileys + Cappucino and another friend ordered Guinness Stout. We smoke and smoke and smoke again. Accompanied with laughter and booze with the night coming out, you can imagine the scenario :)
Back to hotel for a quick bath and rest proceed by a big "bangsai". Hahahaha. And then of course by 10.30pm after a series of perfume spray at our trench coat and hair gel/wax to make our hair standing, we are ready to rock and roll.
We took a cab and it took us almost 30minutes to reach our destination. The traffice got bad and it become worst. But we did reach to our destination safely and soundly as well. Babyface! Nice........
Got drunk that night and it is simply too packed inside. Dancing is not an option, there is simply no room for your legs to maneuvering around to do a little of shuffling. Standing still is not a matter of choice, its the ONLY you can do!
I came, i drink and i drunk!
Which of course........ i will continue on the next post when i have the time ;P
Labels: Trip
Wednesday, January 2, 2008
Shanghai Trip - Food Food Food
This post is particularly dedicated to all the food i consumed on this recent trip. Check out the quality of the pictures i take from my Cybershot :) *evil grinnnnsss*
The food is excellent. It makes me drool even now. It is T.H.A.T. N.I.C.E. !!! Hot Kopi Kaw Kaw *KL style*
Telur Separuh Masak (Half boiled Eggs)
Kopi + Half Boiled Eggs = Makes my Day
Peanut Butter Thick Toast
Mee Siam
Curry Laksa
Chocolate Brownie with Vanilla Ice-Cream
The food above is for our lunch only on Saturday 29th Dec 2007 at Metro City Food Court. OMG! Can you imagine we finish all of the above...... Garlic Bread from Paulaner
Mushroom Soup from Paulaner
The ever famous Pork Knuckle from Paulaner
Steak with "dunno" what...... Hahaha
The reason the pictures of the food is so terrible is due to i forgot to take the pictures of the food when they arrived. I was hungry! Hahahahaha. Hence, the picture was taken half-way during the dinner...... ;P
Of course, how can i leave of the drinks......Table Red Wine
The famous "wheat beer", Dunkel and Dark Beer
Thats all for now, folks!
Last but not least, Happy New YEAR 2008!
Labels: Trip
Year End Delight 2007 - Sat Night
As promised, the night activities that follows on the Saturday night after when we reach to Paulaner's in Pudong. We walk by the river side which by then we are joined by 4 more friends who reached there slightly earlier than us. We as usual nowadays, camwhore, whenever possible....
We chillout and eat and consume the food, liquors like barbarians. We have not eaten so much nice food since "god-know" when. Its delicious and its nice. The ambience and the crowd is superb as well. Same goes with the live band as well. Magnificent!
Honestly, i just know that i enjoy this weekend very much due to the food and all the activities in Shanghai. But, after the dinner, its where the fun starts. We went to Babyface disco in Puxi.
This club is located at Jin Ling Lu, just behind Huai Hai Zhong Lu nearby Shanghai Times Square. The club itself is separated into 2 rooms; hip hop and techno. OMG! It is that fucking nice..... !!!
The ambience : 4/5
The music : 5/5
The crowd : 5/5
The drinks : 4/5
Overall : 5/5
The comparison i've got currently is "slightly above Velvet and Powerhouse" OMG!
Check out the video in Youtube to have this feel ...............
OMG OMG! God save my soul .................
Krazybananaz out ................
Labels: Trip
Year End Delight 2007 - Saturday Daylight
OMG OMG OMG! How do i start this post? I have too many photos and too many things to write about. In total i have taken about 100 pieces of photographs just this weekend, ranging from the trips, the places, the foods and all the cheekiest photo shot ever. Hahahahaha.
I think i'll start with the whole journey from the boring lil place call Zhangjiagang where we took a bus to Shanghai for 2 hours and i am going to split the pictures and events out throughly in a few post!
We started the journey on Saturday morning taking this 2 hour ride to the capital of entertainment and shopping in the middle of China coastline. Going with me is the 2 friend of mine; sleeping like a piggy in the whole journey due to the lack of rest last night perhaps. Friday night at the last weekend of the year must be tiring and exhausting :P
We reach to Shanghai south Bus Station and proceed to Xujiahui to check into ever favourite HomeInn.
We proceed to walk to Metro City at Xujiahui for some much needed lunch after the starvation since morning. Need to replenish the energy for the walk and the hype for the whole day! Went to the food court for some nice Kopi Peng! and Mee Siam! and Peanut Butter Toast! OMG! Heaven............
We then end up eating too much for our lunch.......... -_- Hence, as usual, went for a smoke and walk around the area in Xujiahui and promise to meet up later in Starbucks for coffee. Walking around that area even in the afternoon is very cold. I was wearing my Jack Jones overcoat and i still froze at my hand. I can imagine the temperature is at around 2-4 degree celcius!
Walk into Grand Gateway, "Gang Hui" and passing by a church famous for bridal photo taking.
We met up at Starbucks at 5pm, which i ordered double shot cappucino venti for my thirst for coffee :) Which after we have our daily dosage of coffee, we went to Pudong to meet up with our friends who wanted to have a succulent crispy superb dinner at Paulaner's by the Pudong river as mention by me in the previous post.
We exited from the Metro Line at Lujiazui station, which when we directly comes out beside of the Oriental Pearl Tower. We have to walk around 15 minutes passing by Super Brand Mall before we are able to reach the river side of Huangpu River.
Wait for my next post on the night scenes in Paulaner's at Binjiang plus the club scene at this new favourite club that i lurve! Babyface.......
Hasta La Vista!
Labels: Trip