Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Malaysia in AD2108

With the current events of destruction to the world at this speed, at a pace that this freaking environment mother nature is going to be destroyed, i guess its just a matter of time that our freaking little world will be gone down under in a blink of an eye. Industrial and developing nation pumping gases and carbons to our air, millions of cars spewing smokes and pollutions everyday makes it just another day of sadness. Greenhouses gases and destroying of vast masses of lands and clearing of trees are not helping either....

Temperature rising at a unbelievable rate, ice continent down at Antartica is cracking and melting and drifting away, air is no longer fresh and polluted with haze and greenhouse gases just makes me felt sad and in a deploring state of mind.

Leaders such as Al Gore is a hero of ours. Comes out voicing his opinion powerful enough to start making a difference, Starbucks and Walmart starting to go green, big corps going green in their building are signs that we can help ourself as human race and mankind, if we do really meant it and do something about it. Thats what i know as result oriented and action speaks or simply Just do it!

I believe the world will go to shit in a matter of years, bringing a forgettable state of environment for our next generations to live in. *freaking crazy* Maybe they will wake up every morning wearing a oxygen mask and walks in face mask due to this state of pollution.

Natural sources of energy will be long gone. Natural gases, crude oil, coal and other energy will simply runs out and we, as humankind, will have to explore other alternatives method of renewable energy sources such as solar.

Just imagine, 100 years down the road, the world will simply be black and dark (imagine the scene from the movie THE MATRIX). World and the sky is going dark. What do we do then? Well, installing and implementing solar panels around the globe up in the sky in the space covering the earth might works. Who knows? At least solar energy is going to be clean!

The Americans will be having 1 for their own use, the Chinese government is going to install 1, the EU is going for it as well together join venturing with the Russians. Therefore, the sky is going to be filled with solar panels to collect energies for mankind to use. Can work you know...... ;P

But, hey! How about Malaysia? Our small dear little country. Petronas by then will be long gone. We shall be drinking sea water (we might). Our crude palm oil converted to biofuel will be not sufficient to generate energy due to the price is too inflated, our natural water will be long gone due to lack of rain water and of course due to these reasons we, human folks will suffer. I guess the best alternatives is still to embrace the power of solar energy, both clean and renewable. But but how do we do it? Do we have the technology and innovation to make it happen? .....

No worries folk!


We have our dear Angkasawan space programme.

You see, our government is extremely good in forecasting the future and damn accurate as well. They start to train and send our dear promising young aspiring astronauts to space from young. We have such deal of planning and forecasting and hence, by that time, if the freaking Americans, EU's and Chinese does not sell us energy, do you know what we do? we steal their SOLAR PANELS!


Its the same culture and habit that is happening right now what! Criminals and petty thefts stealing our dear TNB electrical poles and copper wires to sell making the whole neighbourhood out of electricity. Its just that 100 years down the road, technology is going to be so so so advance and we simply have our own Angkasawan out in the space to do what we do now, cutting energy devices aka solar panels! And we go global as well! Stealing from Americans!


Now! Tell me ain't our leaders of Malaysia smart?

1 comment:

Blogger said...

Simple trick to cut your electric bill by 75%:

Want to know how to easily produce all of the green energy you could ever want right at home?

And you will be able to make your home completely immune from power failures, blackouts, and energy grid outages
so even if everyone else in your area (or even the whole country) loses power…you won’t.