Sunday, July 15, 2007

Small Little Problem!

Arghhh.....!!!! What is the heck wrong with Chinese government or some stoopid IP block anyway. I can't log into any of the blogspot page to view and to check out the happenings and the news of fellow bloggers at blogspot.

I MEAN literally i can't view my own blog and other bloggers writings from China. WTF! I can access to wordpress and others but blogspot. What i suspect is that the Chinese government decided enough is enough for open and free information. They are trying to control people in China to view certain webpages to be seen particularly sensitive and mind challenging news.

Hence, they kill of the IP and there it goes, free information, free news, free gossip, free ideas died from their lack of senses to banned people in China to access blogspot. WTF!

Don't they realised majority of Chinese in China have a poor English knowledge. They rarely understands English and MAJORITY do not UNDERSTAND english. Mandarin, i mean, CHINESE slang mandarin is what they speak, write and listens to. SO what the heck are they trying to ban an English blog anyway? *Scratching my head*

Anyway to my fellow friends and my dear, if you are reading this, screams for me! ARGH....!!!!

P.S. Miss my Teh Ice and the white Coffee Ice too damm much! :) Tar Pau anyone?

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