Monday, September 10, 2007

Respect and Equal!

There is a difference of respect in different countries, i realised. The chinese here, me and family and friends realised it as well, is the level of respect given to us. The differences when we are treated in 3 different countries i felt is as follows, China we chinese from SG and MY is being treated as 1st class and upper citizen, in SG we are being treated equally with other races and different nationalities and the last but not least, our dear own KL, chinese even at home countries being treated as 2nd class citizen. You might argued or justify with your own reasons, but overall, this is my feelings supported by my chinese friends from Singapore and my family as well. We are being treated with 2nd class benefits and we live dangerously in MY, for eg. crimes spiralling in back home.

The "Melayu"s created hell lot of problems with small little potatoes issues such as merdeka flag on the car and shouting the slogan "kemerdekaan" in the parlimen. Fuck it! Seriously. All these bunch of local elected politicians especially "Melayu"s is creating hell lot of trouble, especially the Yasin MP, the fat ugly moustache guys who think he is the man of the moment. Creating lots of gender and woman menstruation issue in the parlimen, claims other races such as chinese don't give a shit about our kemerdekaan, tutup sebelah mata for his business of importing good and stuff to the customs people, claiming the customs dept that he cannot get his brand new Mercedes that is not fair la, the car that he got from custom is an old model Mercedes la and is not enough for him issue. I might be wrong, i might. But this is the general fucking impression that all the other races have as the citizens of Malaysians. I wanted this post to be read by all people as well.

No wonder all other professionals from oversea do not want to come back to Malaysia. We are being treated the same way in the worst environment if not better. Try having a professional and accredited career such as, ACCA or doctors, and you will be welcome all around the world, such as Australia and Singapore, without any hassle, and you'll be given a PR straight as well. Benefits will be even if not the same with the citizens there. At least, even if the benefits is lowered compared to the locals in Australia, wat the hell, you will be given monthly allowances as well before you can secure a proper job. Yeah! you pay taxes and high hell lot of taxes as well. But you get back the benefits from government, good security, medical benefits, monthly allowances and etc.

Meanwhile, back home, we are being tax differently and the benefits goes to whom? You figure, we will never be given anything close to them. When the bumis buy properties, they will get 7% discount upfront in the S & P, they get to buy ASN and ASB that guarantees returns higher than our EPF. What do we Chinese gets? Go figure! Felt pretty fucked up right now even thinking and writing about this topic right now. Harmony you says? We, the other races, is being presses into a corner and we cannot retaliate. We can only sit down hope for something good to comes out. Shitty people!

Feeling like shit really. Being a Chinese Malaysian thought and wanted to be proud completely in my heart hoping that we can be really proud being a Malaysian when we tell out friends overseas. What happen? Instead, all i've get is a simple feeling of vacant and fucking feeling. Some stupid local politicians who concern more about races and his own pockets more than the rakyat, except those who supports him giving him a vote. I'm not saying other countries do not exist or have none of these problems, but its just that, we chinese malaysians really do have this shitty feeling in us. Perhaps it is due to our press and newspaper pointing and directing to all the news that sells, BAD news!

Theres one line of word sentences that i've heard before, from a famous quote," Democracy is the worst form of government, but it is the best we have right now!" Go figure!

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