Monday, November 19, 2007

Happy 14th Month Birthday!

My dearest Romeo,

I'm so proud of you being yourself and being so cheeky, cute, smart, handsome, nice, sweet and adorable! We love you so much! I love you so damn much! Happy 14th Month Birthday!

How fast time flies! It was 14 months ago i still remember vividly in the space of my mind that my dearest Darling brings this small little baby boy out to this nice little world. He was small, just a perfect size for a cute baby like him. I still remember i carry him at my arms so gently and so carefully during his 1st week.

I recalled during the time we are sitting at the living room in KL as well. I was putting him at my lap sitting on the sofa. I put a pillow beneath him and i just can't stop making him laughing him and tickling him all the time. He laugh and laugh and laugh non-stop just wanting people to play with him.

I recalled also that during my darling and Romeo visit to Shanghai China. We are at XuJiaHui drinking our coffee ice, just chilling out and there i am disturbing Romeo tickling him and making him laughing non-stop. Hahahaha.... Just so damn cute!

Happy times! Perfect times!
HAPPY 14 months BIRTHDAY R.O.M.E.O. !!!

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