Monday, November 5, 2007

How DO i LooK!

How do i look with this new camera 3.2megapixel lens? Do i look funny or do i look good? Haha!

Anyway, its too cold for me here to do anything outdoor.

And Grrrr...........You know what? I can access to blogspot already from China! Hurrah!...

But, i managed to sneak into leemellisa's blog and found out that my BLOG is such pathetic and boring! Shitty me...!

This is how i look like after i found out that Mel's blog is such wonderful and colorful compare to the dull color of my blog! GRRRRR...........

So damn TULAN! I'll make the changes to beat the crap out of her! ARGHhhhhHHHhhhhHHHH....!!!

1 comment:

meL meL said...

dodgy-nye abang aku. tangkap gambar sendiri.muahahahahahahahhahaa