Sunday, October 14, 2007

The Real China

This lesson is hard to swallow and it is definitely a bitter pill for everyone to learn. Especially in China big cities and applicable for both men and women. It is hard and harsh. It is definitely most real and its pain. Those who is around us, our gang and my darling, will know what i am talking about here. I wish to explain and to tell everyone to beware of this fucking con-job that is massive and is everywhere in China.

Life for Chinese in China is harsh. Money is hard to make and its is definitely harder than to compare in Malaysia and Singapore. People have to scratch, beg, con, lie to make a living and everyone just have their side of view and they assume that they are the ONLY one there. There is no cooperation and no teamwork and it is mostly applicable to all chinese in mainland. You have to step up and beware of all the con job in China. You have to be mentally prepared, as it is a dog eat dog world and having a sixth sense of feeling an listening to your heart is mostly important here.

Sometimes, you just have to feel it and listen to your senses and be aware of the surrounding. You have to be smarter and tougher than everyone else in China. Be aware and prepare. I felt that and i can say that mostly younger people in Malaysia, working generation in 20's, have a hard time to be aware and adapt to China. It is due to that i felt the people in 20's in Malaysia and Singapore is just too "naive" and do not have enough composure and exposure to deal with the real hard world. Try to come to China, Hong Kong and Taiwan to work and experience it. Give yourself 6 months and you will have the idea that i am having now and it is important element if you want to be successful in your life. It is damn FUCKING hard here and you will be con into something without you knowing it. People uses harassment, lies, deceit and they just fucking lie into your eye without blinking at you. It is true and it will be the lesson i learn here.

I grow and i have the experience. I have the wisdom now and i know what to do. I know it is pain and its a bitter pill to swallow. Someone once says before, If you live in Hong Kong, Taiwan or China, you will know the truth and the hard fact of life here!" It is true.

To those who still live under the umbrella back home, grow up and face the world and you might come out a stronger person. Believe me. I know we, Malaysians 20's, is weak and we will be crushed if we are to live out in the open, whether we are Chinese, Malays or Indians. It is simply we are not ready, naivevity and the lack of composure and exposure is the key button for our weakness.

Last but not least, you might not agree with me but it is simply the truth that is out in the open world. If you do have a glimpse and experience in this harshness, you will comes out to be a victor! I do hope that all of us to comes out a victor and together we learn from our fall. Until then, Adios!

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