Tuesday, December 11, 2007

2 roads

I was reading my darling's blog today. Makes me soft when i read about Romeo and ask relatives bombard her with questions. I am an idiot and i am inhuman. I felt like shit and i felt damn shitty.... How can a person be like this? I think i know the answer.....

You see, i was born into this world of mine that we are basically spoonfeed until the day we are at our 20's. I enjoy it but it also makes me weak. I am soft and i am full of love. Yes indeed i am a people person. I do enjoy the sight of people. I smiles and i am positive.

But deep down inside i know i am weak. I am not as strong as those kids here in ZJG. They are born into rough life. They are rougher people all around the world. Steel man as you can say.

I am heart broken. I can't show the world that how mushy i am while i carry my "face" with me. I am a leader and i need to be one. I wanted to be successful and i wanted to be rich. To reach that height, i need to throw away my soft side. Soft side and mushy people NEVER makes it to become rich. They are TOO soft to reach their destiny.

Hence, there are 2 choices lies in front of me. One is what i think i wanted and the other one is what everyone thinks i should do..................


I am clueless ............................. But deep down in my heart, i know the where my path lies. Argh!

Life's complicated!

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