Monday, August 27, 2007


I think i am soft by nature. I am a person who is willing to bend, who can accomodate, a person who listens passionately and i am not that hard macho type of person. I am a people's person and an a weako who like to makes people happy. As long as they enjoy my accompanion, i am more than willing to slot in and make their day. I enjoy and likes seeing people smile, guys or ladies, colleagues or friends, seeing them being able to enjoy and smiles really makes my day.

Today, this morning, i was a little bit angry and harsh on someone i know. I miscommunicated and we talks on different wave length, maybe its just that i am a guy and we are not that intuitive nor receptive towards the common language spoken my the females. I was angry, but after a while, after cooling off, i believe that it is not worth to be angry and ruin our day. I wish to apologize and i do sincerely hope that everything is cool. Friends are meant so share their joy and their sorrow if they wish to. I am able to put my ego down and just erase the whatsoever bad memories that have happen. Its better that way, i believe, being able to be happy is a good blessing that not alot of people can have. Happiness it seems, auraed from from inner self and i will maintain and keep it that way.

How does you react when you encounter this kinda of situation? A situation of misunderstanding that will brings conflict and negativity and sadness. I wish that you can put down your ego, let your face down and just open with it. It will bring you joy and happiness. Believe me, i know it can bring me happiness, and so can you.


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