Saturday, August 4, 2007

Good Day! Bad Day!

I am feeling a little bit of funny today. Dunno why, maybe too much going on at once until i can't be able to feel anything in particular or point my feeling to a specific individual event. Life is going plateau for me right now with a little bit of up and down for me. These couple of days have been my up i guess. Feeling enjoyable but yet felt regret to a certain extend.

I went to KTV, couple hours of badminton to sweat of any toxic out of my blood and been to feet massage. Yes, i do enjoy myself here but i am missing my family and Romeo as well. Feeling of enjoying myself and not having to see them and missing them and thinking about what they are doing makes me soft in my heart. Felt guilty in a way that makes me worry too.

Weathers have been kind to me for a couple of days, not tat particularly hot and humid, but enough to make me sweat walking around the town. At least i am not feeling hot and burning at my neck and shoulder after a session of jay-walking. Just some baby sweat! Haha.

One thing particularly i have to adjust to is the people here sleeps early. Shops starts to close at 9pm and by 10pm, you can really felt the emptiness of the streets even at the shopping district. Only certain cafes and restaurants opens beyond that hour and you definitely can felt the vast differences when 8pm and 10pm. When i am back in Singapore and Malaysia, certain places only starts to pack at 12am especially in discos in KL. Coffeebeans and Starbucks back home is still pack with people until wee hour in the morning especially weekend. Mamaks and cybercafes is even later. You still will be able to see people sipping their cup of teh halia and teh tarik at 2am. Quite bad i must say for body and healthiness.

Anyway, i am now started to adjust to the time here as well. I am going to adjourn to bed, and now is at 2am. Haha. Slight improvement i think compare to in Malaysia when i sleep oftenly after 1am. So take care all of your all and enjoy your weekend in whatever you might be doing.


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