Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Randomness 2007 - Empathy

I believe that understanding and empathy is the key to peace and everything we do. War, conflicts, angryness, arguement, misunderstanding, fightings, politics and etc is the end results of the lack of common understanding or the lack of empathy. I'm not saying understanding and empathy is all it requires, but rather it is the beginning step for everything, from discussions to the end of war. It is the key element to peace.

Lets come to a small start, heated arguement starts from office or back home due to the lack of understanding or the lack of empathy by the both party during a discussion. They talk and talk about issues that needed to be resolved and they do it without a goal or an agenda to come out with both parties to have a winning end. Hence, arguements and confrontations set flair and to make it worst, lack of common understanding and empathy will make it even bigger. Everyone comes out injured and comes out without an answer or any satisfactory results. Waste of time!

Lets start with ourself 1st when comes to this view. Prepare for a heaty discussion, get an agenda for discussion and with a mentality for both parties winning at the end and try to be understanding and be a little bit more empathy towards the other side. Sometimes, they have their own point and reasons as well. I believe certain things happen for some reasons, whether you like it or not and whether you prefer it or not. Reasons for some decisions or something that were to happen might just be happening for some bigger reasons and bigger picture that you and me would not understand. Right? Simple scenario, why would Bush still be wanting to send more troops to Iraq despite so many objections from opposition parties vetoing for it? Maybe he have a bigger reasons. Anyway, its not for me to decide or make any decisions about this issue. Out of my range and out of my rank. Just hoping that "the reason" is for the goodness of the long term for mankind. I hope! *keeping my fingers crossed*

Next time, try to view from the other's point of view and step into the shoes of others. You might get some understanding what people is going through and what is running into their mind. You might even come out a victor and be smiling about it!

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